Scrub has incredible benefits for the skin from help with dark spots to add glow to the skin and for your face can even help with acne! That’s why for me scrub is really amazing part of my skincare routine, especially in my body!
Its being years know that I include coffee in my daily basics, of course, a cup or two in the morning and afternoon depends in my day. But this after knowing the benefits from the coffee as a scrub I save my coffee leftovers yep like recycle lol and I tried to combine with olive oil.
So let’s get into the point the recipe I use Coffee + Olive oil and you can also add Coconut or Almond oil any of your preference! This is my little secret to avoid cellulite.
Mix well and apply into your skin for about 15 to 20 minutes, I usually do it in the shower that way I can just take a moment to relax and smell like a latte lol!
Benefits: 1-Cellulite reduction yep as wonderful you can hear the exfoliation with coffee improves the blood flow that smooth the appearance of the skin.
2-The anti-aging properties thanks to the antioxidants help to reduce the spots and fine lines.
3-The oils: Olive oil I usually add this one because I love the results in my skin moisture, helps to fade the scars, glowing complexion and more.
How to Apply:
Apply the mix using circular motions to help the skin absorbed and the circulation of the blood. After that rinse with warm water.
Thank me later! This is one of my favorite cheapest and amazing scrub I always use now for years I focus in the first thing women hate the cellulite but I love to do it in my whole body I mention to people before and I’m surprised sometimes they don’t know the benefits of the exfoliation and even more about this one.
#coffeescrub #exfoliation #cellulitefree
Hace años ya que he incluido al menos una tasa de cafe en mi rutina diaria en las mañanas o en la tarde dependiendo mi dia lol. Pero despues que conozco los beneficios del cafe como exfoliante a veces guardo un poco de la sobras del cafe y las reciclo para luego mesclarlas con aceite de oliva y Ta Daa!! Exfoliante natural de cafe !
Asi que vamos al punto la receta que utilizo es Cafe + Aceite de oliva tambien de coco o almendras cualquiera sea preferida para ti !
1-Reduccion de celulitis super maravilloso ya que ayuda al flujo sanguineo y por lo tanto una apariencia suave en la piel.
2-Propiedades anti edad gracias a sus propiedades antioxidantes tambien ayuda a reducir manchas y lineas de expresion.
3-Los Aceites en este caso usualmente agrego aceite de Oliva, me encantan los resultados ya que humecta mi piel, reduce cicatrices y da brillo a la piel.
Hay muchos beneficios de la exfoliacion especialmente con cafe, es mi pequeño secreto para la celulitis y mantener una piel saludable.
Agradezcan despues mis amores, una forma super facil y economica que uso ahora por par de años y lo menciono siempre y la gente se sorprende. Dejenme saber si lo han usado !